1. Take online courses : Believe it, there are numerous advantages to online courses, with online courses, location is not a barrier, no dress code involved, you can combine with other activities or job if you have one, because you don't have to attend class at a specific time. If you have never been tech -savvy, online classes gives you that opportunity as you will need to navigate the course lectures, download materials ,interact with others online and communicate well digitally. No matter what your desire field of study is, you can find an online program that suits you. All you need is a computer or phone with an internet connection.
2. Read books: book here goes for newspaper, magazine, novels, e. t. c. If your daily reading centers just on tweets on twitter, facebook updates,whataspp statuses, you should consider changing that habit, reading keeps the brain active and engages it, just like any other muscle in the body, the brain require exercise, to keep it strong and healthy. Everything you read fills your head with new bits of information and you might never know when you need them. The more knowledge you have, the better equipped you are to tackle any challenges you will ever face. The more you read, the more words you gain exposure to and will inevitably make, their ways into your vocabulary. Being articulate and well spoken is of great help in any profession and will boost your self-confidence.
3. Ask a mentor : Everyone needs a helping now and then, a good mentor can help you take the next steps in your career choice, if you don't have one already, you should consider having one. A mentor according to Merrian Webster dictionary is "a trusted counselor or guide" . A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself, mentor guides, motivates and supports . A mentor may share with a mentee information about his or her own career path as well as provide guidance, emotional support and role modelling . This will definitely go a long way in the right step in your career.
4. Join seminar : seminar are simply a group of people coming together for the discussion and learning of specific topics ,usually there are several keynote speaker within each seminar and these key speakers are expert in their field . Going for seminars comes with a sense of belongings where individuals with same interests, problem and concerns, meets and renew hope and inspiration.
Seminar offers the opportunity for you to be introduced to several industry experts in your field, and allows you to network with people in other fields. You should consider attending 2-4 seminars each year and be sure to research what the seminar is all about and who will be there, so you know, if it will be of relevance to your career or what you are passionate about.

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