Interview Questions
Tell us a little about ...?This is the introductory and familiarization question at most interviews. Mention nothing personal or unrelated to the job, most interviewers, are not interested in your family background; but when you are instructed otherwise, be careful how much you reveal, because most times, small organisations are looking at your financial commitments; in order to analyze how much of a burden you will be to them in terms of loan and time off work, to settle one family issue or another.
These are asked, when the interviewer wants specific information, often factual or technical in nature, these questions can frequently be answered with a 'yes' or 'no' but always bear in mind, that; a yes or no answer is not enough, always elaborate on past experiences.HYPOTHETICAL QUESTIONS:
What would you do if...?This will assess your ability to think on your feet. Ignite your creativity-on the spot thinking.
The answer seems logical..?This will require good communication skills. Do you have good skills in this area? Do not give yes or no answer. Give examples to support your response.
Two or more questions linked to the same topic Don't be afraid to ask to have the question repeated if you don't recall the full question.BEHAVIOURAL QUESTION:
This set of questions use your past experiences to predict future behaviors. Prepare examples of how your experiences have allowed you to develop skills and these could benefit the employer.UNEXPECTED QUESTION:
Interview questions and answers can only be predicted and prepared for to a certain extent. No-one knows better than you, memorize a list of your best features, your best selling points . Use every opportunity and unexpected question to mention these.QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD ASK:
Often the Interviewer's last question is 'Do you have any questions for me?Candidates who do not have questions show a lack of initiative and give the impression that they have minimal interest in the position. Stand out form the lazy job seekers and ask questions. Have your question ready in advance. Relate them to the company or it's accomplishment or challenges . Don't ask any question that shows that you have not done your research about the company.
On a final note,bear in mind that, sometimes what you say isn't as important as how you say it, be confident, enthusiastic, and remember to smile often.
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