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Below is the detailed conversation on our what's app group.
Business and Startups
[6:19PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Let
Give a round of πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
To our guest speaker
Kitan David. As he has been around since 6pm
[6:22PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Before he come up.
What better way to do that than to post his profile :
I would like to give a brief introduction

Project Manager and Software Tester in Akure, Nigeria

Visit my company website

Aboluwarin Olaoluwa David popularly known as 'KitanDavid is the co-founder/CEO of Planet NEST (an incubation hub for both Software engineers and entrepreneurs).

He is a computer scientist by Grade, a Technology Business Development Manager and Sales Executive by Trade.

KitanDavid worked as a Nokia Research Center ambassadorial lead for West Africa and has 15 national and international awards around technological innovation and research to his name.

Planet NEST is an educational institution where software engineers are housed and trained. They are trained to be professionals and while on training they work with world class engineers in technology companies across the globe.
[6:22PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: Hi everyone.☺☺☺☺
[6:22PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: You welcome sir
[6:22PM, 8/11/2017] ‪+234 706 275 0289‬: Welcome
[6:23PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: He would be share with us his journey as an Entrepreneur.
[6:23PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: Special thanks to Emmanuel and everyone
It's such an honor...

To make this fun. I guess Emmanuel Should anchor few questions and answers then everyone ask theirs.

I might be making few typo errors due to auto-correct
Kindly forgive me
[6:24PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: This is out its goes we allow him speak and when he is through or when he ask we can through in our questions
Mr Kitan David the stage is urs
[6:26PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: We all know the purpose of this group that's to help us grow or start out own business..

Mr Kitan David is here to answer the so many questions on our mind
[6:26PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: Basically I would say I started out as an entrepreneur as a child
[6:26PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Hmm
[6:27PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: But can you tell us more about that sir
[6:28PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: I grew up in a remote part of Ile Ife and as a child and I recycled waste along side my younger brother who it's now a visual artist
[6:28PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Interesting πŸ€”
[6:28PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: I picked my interest in Tech especially information tech in year 2007
[6:29PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: Learnt how to write computer programming and founded my own 1st company in 2009 which failed
[6:30PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: Moved on as a freelancer up to 2011
[6:30PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: When I co-founded Planet Nest
[6:31PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: Along side Paul who is currently the CTO at Planet Nest
[6:31PM, 8/11/2017] ‪+234 818 819 5496‬: Oooh sorry plz don't add its a mistake
[6:31PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: For me,my 1st failed because I was money driven and not solution driven
[6:32PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Hmmm
[6:32PM, 8/11/2017] ‪+234 706 275 0289‬: Continue
[6:33PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: One thing all entrepreneur should understand is money is never a focus in starting a global business,it is merely a reward
[6:33PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: πŸ€”
[6:35PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: Everybody has a problem and when you solve it, they pay you
[6:36PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: I'm hungry, I go to a eatery to solve the problem for me, I pay them
[6:36PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: Same thing when I need a new shoe
[6:36PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: Focus on the problem and solution, put up a structure and money would roll in.
[6:37PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: I I may ask sir many business today have profit as there focus, and u are saying otherwise how do make profit. If I don't think money first,cos I might meet needs and yet have to profit.....
[6:39PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Pls let's roll in our questions.
[6:39PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: But one at a time
[6:40PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: The reason why a business should started is fundamental to the growth of such business
[6:44PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: Never start a business because you want to make ends meet  except you do not want to go global with the business because the business will not grow bigger than your needs

One thing I think we should all understand is I am a global business trainer. I train and talk to people who wants their businesses to grow global. E.g if you run a restaurant, I'll train you to push it to the likes of Mc Donald's

Focus on solving the problem and not the money. Put a price on the solution you have to the problem while you solve. Push your solution and the money will come in
[6:45PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Ok
[6:46PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Apart from the mind set or reason for starting.
What are the things I need to do before starting
[6:47PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Do I just wake up one morning and open my business or do I first put somethings in place. If yes what are those things
[6:48PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: So first, you must have a passion for the business I.e. the problem you're trying to solve because passion would keep you in your first years when money ain't rolling in yet
[6:50PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: That's true sir
[6:51PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: 1)But what are the lay down step to starting cos, many ask me that questions
[6:51PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: Under study your market and read about those existing in that business already. Know much about them especially their failure and how they overcame it
[6:51PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Ok
[6:52PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Many often ask,is it advisable to start with a loan
[6:53PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: It is risky
[6:54PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: It is not advisable.. It is not a good foundation
[6:54PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: 2) Some people do don't see any need or reasons Y they should register there business, may get turn off because of the cost. pls can u speak on this
[6:54PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Ok
[6:56PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Kitan David would be leave soon and we know how much we have waited for today....

Ask those questions now before he leaves
[6:56PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: So what do I do.
To get finance for my business
[6:57PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: There are some levels of  loans and companies you cant access without registering your business
[6:58PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Hmmm
[7:00PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Ok before you leave sir can you speak a bit on marketing and pitching my business.

Cos some of us here need that
[7:00PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: There are couple of ways to finance your business... One is to get start up capital to start with what you have and grow organically
[7:01PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Ok
[7:03PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: So on marketing and pitching

It's a long topic.

I'll advise this
[7:04PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Thank you sir you have indid done us well.
[7:04PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: May of our people are following as I can see but they are not asking questions.
[7:06PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Kitan David has to go now
[7:07PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Thanks sir God bless you
[7:07PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: As you can see starting is not all about the money
[7:07PM, 8/11/2017] Mr Nester Kitan Kitan: It was my pleasure, Thanks for having me
[7:08PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Welcome sir
[7:11PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: There are many money driving businesses around us today and guess what that's why they don't last, some time in business when you start you keep sow and nutring with no furit to take those time it the passion and a great goal that would keep you going
[7:12PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Some times you might have seed( which some eat as fruit) you must not eat from your business the seed.
[7:14PM, 8/11/2017] Rolake: Thanks, really educating
[7:15PM, 8/11/2017] ‪+234 818 819 5496‬: Thanks  Mr kitan
[7:15PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: The seed is the little money (though big in the eye of someone who is not ready to go far or someone who has a small vision) you make which you must not spend, but put back into the business
[7:17PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Until your business get to a strange where it can begin to pay for your need don't think of taking out of it....
[7:19PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Don't eat ur seed..keep sowing and nurturing it.....till its grown.

God be with us.....
[7:24PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: I want us to also take note of what he said about loan and business registration,if u want to go big u have to register, if u want to get huge loan u have to register ur business, if you intend working with big companies or partnering with them you have to register your business.

Chat with me for assistance
I would past the requirements today so if u wish to help your self you are free but if you want us to do it for u we would for a little extra...
[7:28PM, 8/11/2017] Godwithus: Finally I express my since gratitude to everyone that made today a success, even to the Power supply company.
God bless you all.

Now I give all the glory to God for today the a rumo ni se fa ya ti.πŸ˜€ 


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