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Branding with HUEBE lead designer

Good Afternoon Everyone we welcome you all to this forum. Yesterday we had a talk on Branding on our what's app group page with Mr.Aribigbola Lanre-the Lead designer at HUEBE design company, as the speaker below are the details of the talk
He started by asking a question ;[7:43PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Coca Cola Vs Pepsi

which of these brands sounds more appealing to you.
[7:44PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: more
[7:44PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: contributions
[7:46PM, 7/21/2017] Bro Busayo: I will go with coca cola
[7:48PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: why you choose coca cola is because of their brand, the relationship they have been able to make with their customers
[7:48PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Branding is an effort to give a unique identity to the company’s products and create emotional associations with consumers.
It is a form of marketing.

A brand is a set of associations that are linked to a product range, a division, or company.
These associations reside in the memory of customers.
These associations help customers understand
 what the brand or company is,
 why it is potentially relevant to them,
 how it is different or similar to other products made by the  company,
 and how it is similar or different from competitor’s  products.
[7:49PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Branding is a combined effort of the company which is projected to the consumer.
[7:49PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: In 'blind' taste tests, people prefer the taste of Pepsi over the taste of Coke. However, if the test is not 'blind' and the tasters know which beverage is which, they prefer the taste of Coke over Pepsi! That is the emotional power of a brand. The Coca-Cola brand has the power to actually change an individual's taste!
[7:50PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Coca-cola is the no.1 brand in the world.
The first shape that was registered is the coca cola bottle.
[7:51PM, 7/21/2017] Godwithus: Hmm
[7:52PM, 7/21/2017] Bro Busayo: ✍🏽
[7:52PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: you might be wondering why  branding?
[7:53PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: (1) Products and services have become so alike that they fail to distinguish themselves by their quality, efficacy, reliability, assurance and care. Brands add emotion and trust to these products and services, thus providing clues that simplify consumers’ choice.

(2) These added emotions and trust help create a relationship between brands and consumers, which ensures consumers’ loyalty to the brands.

(3) Brands create aspirational lifestyles based on these consumer relationships. Associating oneself with a brand transfers these lifestyles onto consumers.

(4) The branded lifestyles extol values over and above the brands’ product or service category that allow the brands to be extended into other product and service categories. Thus saving companies the  trouble and costs of developing new brands, while entering new lucrative markets.
(5) The combination of emotions, relationships, lifestyles and values allows brand owners to charge a price premium for their products and services, which otherwise are barely distinguishable from generics.
[7:54PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: A brand is a promise. A promise to achieve certain results, deliver a certain experience, or act in a certain way. A promise that is conveyed by everything people see, hear, touch, taste or smell about your business.
[7:55PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: A brand has to give a unique identity from each medium.
The product
The packaging
Website graphics
Etc should have a single visual language.
[7:55PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: take for instance MTN
[7:56PM, 7/21/2017] Godwithus: Ok👌🏼
[7:56PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Some time a ago i had a issues with my MTN sim
[7:56PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: so call their customer care
[7:58PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: the Next thing i heard was *YELLO!*
[7:59PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: their brand colour is
[7:59PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: That's branding.
[8:02PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Now we all know what branding is.
[8:02PM, 7/21/2017] Coper Bisi: Yes
[8:03PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: lets us take a look at how we can brand our businesses to meet not just the market of today but the market of tomorrow
[8:03PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Just like Coca Cola
[8:03PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: did.
[8:04PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.”
~Jeff Bezos, Amazon
[8:05PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: We all have attitudes and beliefs about brands based on our experiences. The strongest brands are:

[8:05PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: With a strong brand, you:
Differentiate yourself from others.
Maximize your career potential.
[8:06PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Every business owner must ask himself this Qus
[8:08PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: What makes you special?

What are your greatest strengths?

What differentiates you from others?

How does your business uniqueness translate to value?

What do people come to you for?

What do you want your business to be known for?

What do you want others to think when they hear your company name?
[8:09PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: What is your goal?
Who is your target audience?
How does your current brand position you to achieve your goal?
Do you need to make any changes?
[8:10PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Make Relevant Adjustments
[8:10PM, 7/21/2017] Godwithus: Ok
[8:11PM, 7/21/2017] Coper Bisi: Hmmm...word
[8:11PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: *Fill gaps*

*Begin to act the part*
Introduce yourself
Speak the language
Share your story
[8:12PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Choose Your Platform(s)

Who is your target audience?
Which social media platforms do they use?
Options include:
Wordpress, LinkedIn publishing platform, etc.
Microblogging sites
Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, etc.
Video & audio sites
YouTube, podcasting, SlideShare
Image posting
Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter
[8:13PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: How to manage your brand

*be Proactive*
[8:13PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Promote your accomplishments.
Maximize your participation in meetings and groups.
Communicate effectively.
Stay relevant.
[8:14PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Be Strategic

Choose your associates wisely.
Have a positive attitude.
Dress and act the part.
Maintain a professional image online.
[8:16PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: Lastly Create not Just Relationship with client create lasting ones
[8:16PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: thank you and God bless you
[8:18PM, 7/21/2017] Coper Bisi: God bless you too
[8:20PM, 7/21/2017] Godwithus: Pls let's start throwing in the questions
[8:22PM, 7/21/2017] Godwithus: I have a question
Pls how can I as an entrepreneur brand my business
[8:23PM, 7/21/2017] Godwithus: That how can I  tuch it up
[8:29PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: well
[8:30PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: to start with.
[8:30PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: you have to give your brand and identity.
[8:30PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: In other words you do a co operate branding.
[8:30PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: which involves you getting a logo, business card, letter heads designed
[8:31PM, 7/21/2017] Godwithus: Ok
[8:31PM, 7/21/2017] Godwithus: What is I don't know how to do all of this myself
[8:31PM, 7/21/2017] Godwithus: What if I don't have any idea about all this
[8:33PM, 7/21/2017] Corper Adline: Must one have a logo before starting ur business?
[8:33PM, 7/21/2017] Godwithus: Hmmm
[8:33PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: What is brand? – The perceived emotional corporate image as a whole.

What is identity? – The visual aspects that form part of the overall brand.

What is a logo? – A logo identifies a business in its simplest form via the use of a mark or icon .
[8:33PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: slow network so sorry.
[8:34PM, 7/21/2017] ‪+234 810 008 1559‬: I'd like to help him out

Create a NICHE for your business
Let everyone know what differentiate your work from others in the same business as yours
[8:35PM, 7/21/2017] Godwithus: I think it's to ways you can start before branding or brand before starting
[8:36PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: identity includes colours, mascot, fonts, slogan
[8:36PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: To understand what a logo is, we must first understand what it is for.
A logo is for… identification .
A logo identifies a company or product via the use of a mark, flag, symbol or signature. A logo does not sell the company directly nor rarely does it describe a business.
[8:38PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: – logos are there to identity, not to explain. In a nutshell, what a logo means is more important than what it looks like.
[8:39PM, 7/21/2017] Godwithus: We would have to end now.....
So sorry we can put down our questions or post them but the talk officials
[8:39PM, 7/21/2017] Nester Lanre: The logo identifies a business or product in its
simplest form.
[8:39PM, 7/21/2017] Godwithus: We appreciate all that came online and our guest speaker.

Thank you Sir.


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